Where to begin. Where to begin. Hollywood would never buy the storyline playing out right now. Too far-fetched. It almost seems that with everything going on across the fruited plain, everything is so surreal. Which got me thinking. What do you suppose someone would think if they’d been in a cave somewhere for the last year or so and just emerged from the darkness? There may be a few questions that would come to mind.
CLUELESS: Hey, how come everyone’s wearing a mask?
PERSON 1: Because of Covid-19.
CLUELESS: What’s a Covid-19?
PERSON 2: It’s a Coronavirus.
CLUELESS: Okay. What’s a Coronavirus?
PERSON 1: It’s a disease that’s caused a pandemic all over the world.
CLUELESS: And it’s called Covid-19?
PERSON 2: Right.
CLUELESS: Were there 18 other Covids before this one?
PERSON 1: No, just Covid-19. COrona VIrus Disease 2019
CLUELESS: And it caused a pandemic.
PERSON 2: Yes.
CLUELESS: And so, everybody has to wear a mask?
PERSON 1: Yes. The virus is spread through the air, so to keep from getting it or giving it to someone else, everyone wears a mask.
CLUELESS: Everybody?
PERSON 2: Almost.
CLUELESS: So, how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys?
PERSON 1: Sometimes it’s hard.
CLUELESS: How long has this been going on?
PERSON 2: About a year.
CLUELESS: Where did it come from?
PERSON 1: Uh, China. But you can’t say that.
CLUELESS: Why not?
PERSON 2: It’s not politically correct.
CLUELESS: Oh. Well, speaking of politics . . .
PERSON 1: Actually, we’d rather not.
CLUELESS: Are there problems?
PERSON 2: Yeah, a few.
CLUELESS: Like what?
PERSON 1: Rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol last week.
CLUELESS: Iranians?
CLUELESS: Afghans?
CLUELESS: Then who?
PERSON 1: That would be Americans.
CLUELESS: Americans stormed the Capitol?
PERSON 2: Yes.
CLUELESS: Was it bad?
PERSON 1: Yes.
CLUELESS: What did the President do?
PERSON 2: Funny you should ask that.
CLUELESS: Is Trump still President?
PERSON 1: Funny you should ask that too.
PERSON 2: Well, Joe Biden got elected in November and takes office Wednesday.
CLUELESS: Joe Biden? That old guy?
PERSON 2: That’s the one.
CLUELESS: He beat Trump?
PERSON 1: That’s the official consensus.
CLUELESS: So, what’s the problem?
PERSON 1: Trump is being impeached.
CLUELESS: Is that still going on from last year?
PERSON 2: No. This is a new one.
PERSON 1: Remember those riots?
CLUELESS: Yeah. What about them?
PERSON 2: Trump’s being blamed for them.
CLUELESS: How’s he reacting to that?
PERSON 1: You can’t say that.
CLUELESS: Can’t say what?
PERSON 2: You can’t say “he.”
CLUELESS: Why not?
PERSON 1: It’s not politically correct. Too gender specific.
CLUELESS: Then what do I say?
PERSON 2: Try, “the person in the White House.”
CLUELESS: Okay. How’s the person in the White House reacting to another impeachment?
PERSON 1: As you might expect.
CLUELESS: Blasting out messages on Twitter?
PERSON 2: Not exactly.
CLUELESS: Whattaya mean?
PERSON 1: No more Twitter account.
CLUELESS: Twitter’s out of business?
PERSON 2: Let’s just say there’s been an issue.
CLUELESS: What else did I miss last year?
PERSON 2: Well, you can’t eat at a restaurant.
PERSON 1: Or go to a ballgame.
PERSON 2: Or visit relatives.
PERSON 1: Or go on any trips.
PERSON 2: Or hug a friend.
PERSON 1: Or go to many workplaces.
PERSON 2: Or go to a movie.
PERSON 1: And lots of kids can’t go to school.
CLUELESS: How do they learn?
PERSON 2: An excellent question.
CLUELESS: How do teachers teach?
PERSON 1: Sometimes virtually. And with great difficulty.
CLUELESS: And many people aren’t working?
PERSON 2: If they are, it’s mainly from home.
CLUELESS: Is anybody making money?
PERSON 1: Sales of sweatpants and potato chips are up substantially.
CLUELESS: Can I go outside?
PERSON 2: If you stay six feet away from everybody.
CLUELESS: How come I don’t have to stay six feet away from you?
PERSON 1: You probably should, but we got the vaccine.
CLUELESS: There’s a vaccine?
PERSON 2: Yep. A couple of them.
CLUELESS: Is everybody getting the vaccine?
PERSON 1: Eventually. If they want it. It’s taking some time.
CLUELESS: Why? Who’s in charge of it?
PERSON 2: The government.
CLUELESS: The government?
PERSON 1: Yes.
PERSON 2: Anything else you want to know?
CLUELESS: No. That pretty much answers all my questions. Except one.
PERSON 1: Sure. What is it?
CLUELESS: Can I go back into my cave now?
PERSON 2: Not until you get tested.
©MMXXI. William J. Lewis, III – Freelance Writer
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