I am a creative freelance writer with a focus on video development, advertising, marketing materials, employee communication, organizational change, and business problem solving.
Why a
Freelance Writer?
Professionally-written pieces of communication present your company in its best light. What you show and tell your customers and the public can have a dramatic effect on your bottom line.
A freelancer lets you:
Focus on your business, not write about it.
Gain a fresh perspective from an outside source.
Pay for the project, not health insurance, vacations, sick days, coffee breaks or retirement funds (although any donations will be greatly accepted).
Free up your time for thinking, decision-making, and nuts and bolts things.
Effectively communicate your message.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with a plethora of terrific people and a wide variety of companies. Some of the latter have included:

Timing and Money
Perhaps you’ve seen the cartoon of a character lying on the ground doubled-up with laughter with a caption that reads, “You need it when?”
I’m used to “Yesterday” answers to deadline questions. The more lead time the better, of course, for both of us. However, I’ll work with whatever time you have available.
I can work by the hour or by the project. On the whole, I’d rather establish some price parameters up front so both of us aren’t constantly looking at the clock.
Obviously, the cost will depend on the scope of the project, time spent in meetings, availability of background materials, research required, and, quite frankly, how many people have to approve everything.
The best thing to do is call me and we’ll discuss it all. In the immortal words of Paul McCartney and John Lennon, We Can Work It Out.