I have no doubt there was great rejoicing throughout the state of Georgia this past week. And I don’t mean only for Christmas. As I’m sure you are no doubt well aware, the fine people at Pantone have announced the Color of the Year for 2024. And it turns out to be . . . Peach Fuzz! To be exact, Pantone 13-1023. What could be more exciting for the residents of the Peach State itself?
Extensive research has shown that there’s a whole lot of thought that goes into the color that will be chosen. There’s color trend forecasting and a global team of Pantone specialists that helps decide throughout the year just what color looks to be a good fit for the world in any given year. That was news to me. Given the selection of Peach Fuzz, I thought perhaps the Governor of Georgia had hand-picked the selection.
I’m not sure what other colors might have been up for consideration this year. In order to avoid showing any political favoritism, it may have been that the selection committee steered clear of red or blue hues. Green may have been associated too much with environmental causes. Brown could have had more of a military bent than anyone wanted. But who can get upset with Peach Fuzz?
You’ll no doubt recall that Viva Magenta was the number one palette pleaser for 2023. It was intended to “vibrate with vim and vigor.” (Someone at Pantone must have really been into alliteration.) Apparently, the favored color was most decidedly not Barbie Pink, although that is a bit suspect, because I’m told Barbie did seem to wear a lot of that color in her summertime blockbuster movie. Coincidence? Noboby’s talking.
So, why is a yearly color selection such big news? I don’t know that it truly is, but the Pantone people certainly seem to think so. They say that the color of a product is a big part of a buyer’s decision on whether to purchase something or not. I can definitely see that if you went out and bought a whole lot of Viva Magenta-colored clothes in 2023, you were certainly looking to make a statement.
I saw a quote from an executive director of the Pantone Color Institute that said 2024’s choice “echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection.” Can’t argue with that importance. Whether it’s political divide or battlefield strife in the world, whatever would facilitate more closeness and connection is more than welcome. This same executive also said, “We chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance. A shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace and effortlessly bridges the youthful with the timeless.” Words to live by there. (Let me know if you figure out what they really mean.)
Since Peach Fuzz is the official designee for 2024, you can probably count on seeing the fashion industry take the lead in its promotion. Many garments for both sexes will no doubt incorporate the hue in some way in as many elements as possible. I’m not exactly an expert on what garment goes well with what in the world of clothes. But given the rather pale-ish nature of Peach Fuzz, it does seem to me that the color may very well favor people with ruddier complexions than, say, someone whose skin hue has been handed down through many generations of coalminers (like yours truly) who spent their lives underground, well out of the sun’s rays. Viva Magenta perhaps was more appropriate for the fair-haired among us. Although that color probably worked well for many.
Perhaps the demographic that stands to benefit the most from the Peach Fuzz tidal wave that is surely to come consists of young teenage boys. I mean, hey, what do you call the first signs of facial hair on a young lad emerging into manhood? Exactly. Peach Fuzz. So, those going through what might normally be a slightly awkward stage of life will now be envied trendsetters.
It occurs to me that Pantone’s selection might even help law enforcement departments. “Fuzz” has sometimes been used as a somewhat derogatory term when referencing constables. By incorporating elements of the new color of the year into their uniforms, perhaps those who serve and protect us can make a fashion statement while simultaneously enhancing their image.
At any rate, be looking soon for Peach Fuzz to show up in graphic elements on everything from food packaging to perfume ads and running shoes to automobiles. By the end of 2024, you’ll probably be surrounded by the color. Let’s just hope that the new year is as lovely and pleasantly pleasing as the hue.
©MMXXIII. William J. Lewis, III – Freelance Writer
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