As Americans, we have a lot of reasons to brag. Which we sometimes do, maybe to a fault. But, on the whole, we’re really a very thankful people. And most of us don’t need nor restrict ourselves to a specially-designated day out of the year to give thanks. It’s ongoing. But since the opportunity is here once again, for those who might want to add some items to a Thanksgiving gathering prayer, I’d like to offer a few suggestions:
#1: You don’t live in North Korea. Some people think the leaders and candidates for leadership we have in this country are bad or even deplorable. Imagine waking up every day knowing Kim Jong-un is in charge of your life. And you can’t ever vote him out of office. If they did celebrate some form of Thanksgiving in Pyongyang, chances are the “feast” of the day would be an oven-roasted toad that a fortunate soul gigged in the communal rice paddy.
#2: Freedom of inanity. More than a handful of NFL players are catching a bit of heat for kneeling and/or sitting as our national anthem is played before each game. Whether you agree with the sideline actions or have a vehement difference of opinion, the uniformed gladiators are guaranteed the same right all American citizens have to act as they please in peaceful protest against whatever they feel is worthy of protesting. Of course, there can be consequences to what they do, mind you (e.g., boycotts of games, lack of employment opportunities, etc. –and kneelers can probably forget about being Grand Marshalls at any Veterans Day parades), but being summarily drawn and quartered isn’t an option (to the chagrin of many).
#3: Thanksgiving itself. I know Canada takes a day each year to celebrate its plentiful bounty. It’s usually in October since everything is pretty well frozen over by Halloween in the provinces and territories. But very few other countries pause to enjoy what has been given to them as we do. Granted, the conversations around the American feasting table might get a little strained, and it’s not always all hugs and kisses, but very few, if anybody, says “No” to a day off and a second piece of pie.
#4: Minor League prospects, Major League fun. This one is definitely aimed at Braves fans specifically and baseball fans as a whole. Despite this week’s sanctions, Atlanta’s shamed front office still managed to stock its farm system with a plethora of pitchers and position players who, theoretically, should transform the team into a contender in the short foreseeable future. And you can’t have asked nor scripted better World Series than the last two we’ve had. With apologies to Indians and Dodgers fans, the Cubbies and Astros winning in seven games each was sports’ theater at its finest.
#5: Air conditioning. If you live in the South (and pretty much anywhere now, if climate change is indeed the rule of the day), A/C is as essential as fireworks on the Fourth of July. Cars, homes, places of worship, offices, stores, even some sports arenas have to keep us at 72 degrees or we’re just not going anywhere or doing anything. Oh, we might venture out for a picnic or some exercise, but the Freon better be working when we get back inside. Heat in the winter is one thing. You can always add more layers. In the summer, however, society frowns upon most humans running around stark naked, so we can’t take off all our clothes. Thus air conditioning serves the dual purpose of cooling us down and saving most of us from certain embarrassment.
#6: Honest politicians with only their constituents’ concerns at heart. I’m told there are actually some of these people holding public office. Names escape me at the moment, but perhaps you know some. They would definitely rate highly on the “thankful for” scale.
#7: Friends. Doesn’t matter if they’re lifelong or merely of the Facebook variety. These are the folks who make us laugh, help keep us sane, and provide an outlet to let down one’s hair, especially when the world isn’t turning just the right way some days.
And, of course, #8: Family. They could be blood relatives or just seem that way. But Thanksgiving is a really good time to be with the people who genuinely care about you, and, perhaps most importantly, put up with you, faults and virtues alike.
Feel free to add to the list. Hopefully, you’ve found time to be with those who matter most to you during this long holiday weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
©MMXVII. William J. Lewis, III – Freelance Writer
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